Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas to all!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas tidbits
Arielle has been counting the days down to Christmas on her My Little Pony Advent Calendar {which was a last minute decision since I didn't have enough time to sew one up myself which I intend to do for next year}. She has done well in understanding the countdown and when another day has passed us by so if nothing else it has taught her that but I think it has also taught her some patience too!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Song and Dance
Here she is practicing her song and dance {she wanted me to record her over and over again so I'm not too worried about her being camera shy anymore}. I'm thinking she should have her own Disney show in the next few years with this performance!
~Momma to Bug~
Monday, December 15, 2008
Anyone else interested in sharing their addictions?
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving Road Trip
Thanksgiving was wonderful! It was so nice to spend more time with Gaby and meet all of our relatives from her side of the family. Arielle and her cousins got along so well and they played from sun up until sun down. Arielle took an extreme liking to her older cousin, Josh. She followed him around all day long and didn't let him out of her sight. He read her stories, protected her from flying dodge balls, pushed her in the "wagon roller coaster", coached her through her first game of kickball and made sure she found good hiding places for several games of hide and seek. It was truly amazing to see how kind and well mannered other children can be. This trip definitely proved that Arielle is NOT shy and she LOVES attention from grown ups and kids!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Where have all the naps gone?
Which leads me to another topic. Talking. Another day last week when I picked her up one of her teachers asked me, "Does she talk in her sleep?" I had to think about this because it seemed natural to me that the answer should be yes, but the more I thought about it I decided that is about THE ONLY TIME that she Arielle does not talk. Arielle really does love to talk. In fact, Zak and I can barely get a word in edgewise when we come home from work because inevitably we WILL be interrupted by Arielle. Like every parent does, we taught her to say the words "Excuse me" when she needs to talk while someone else is speaking so she does remember her manners some of the time. Lately, not only does Arielle have a lot to say when she is awake all day long but she has to repeat herself to everyone in the room until they have each acknowledged her statements. Do you see where this is going?
In conclusion, I really do miss naps.
~Momma to Bug~Thursday, November 13, 2008
This morning Zak discovered that the Monster that lives in our house (a.k.a. Lexi) went on a chewing spree sometime in the middle of the night. Pieces of one of Arielle's Elmo slippers and a Little Mermaid figure were scattered all over the living room floor. When Arielle discovered what had happened she burst into tears! Funny thing is that she was more devistated about the Elmo slipper than the mermaid doll even though she had just taken it to school for show and tell and I haven't seen her wearing the slippers for months. It took some convincing that the slippers weren't going to fit her for much longer along with reassurance that we would buy new ones in order to stop her from sobbing.
~Momma to Bug~
All about the drama!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
My Fireplace Mantel
Monday, November 3, 2008
Trick or Treat "Thank You" Monsters
As we set out for trick or treating through our NeIgHbOrHoOd we met up with another little girl that was a little older than Arielle. Her name is Evelyn and she lives across the strett from us! The two of them joined forces and had such a fun time going from house to house each trying to beat one another to the doorbell and to the next house. I don't think either one of them forgot to say "THANK YOU" for the entire night, nor did they fail to tell us {their mom's and grandma's} that they remembered to say it! In fact, I think the entire neighborhood probably heard everything they said the whole night that is how loud and proud they were! At one point someone told them that they were little Thank You Monsters so Arielle decided to add Monster to the end of every Thank You. It was really cute!
We made it up and down every stretch of our our neighborhood and Arielle's pumpkin was filled to the brim with treats! After Zak examined every piece, she immediately poured it all out on the floor to see what she could find. We let her have a couple of pieces before bed and a few pieces after meals this weekend but she hasn't really been hounding us to eat that much candy which surprises me.
What I will remember the most about this Halloween is Arielle's reactions to the SpOOkY masks and decorations that we encountered. First, there was a kid with a white "Jason" mask on and he was wearing all black. The second he turned around as the girls were walking up to the house he was leaving, they ScReAmEd and RaN back to us and who can blame them, really? Then there was a person handing out candy in a similar costume that didn't talk and they had haunted house sounds playing on their porch. Arielle was hesitant to approach this house and even though I walked up hand-in-hand with her she turned and ran back to Zak as we got close to the person. Evelyn braved it though as she took the candy then ran! As scared as Arielle was as I was walking back to her {with candy in hand} she asked, "Mom, can you get me a piece of candy from them?" There were a few more scary masks along the way that sent the girls screaming back to us but then there was the last house of the night. It was a house on our street and they had a Halloween arch over their doorway that played HaUnTeD HoUsE SoUnDs the second that you walked through it. Arielle did not like that whatsoever but we talked her into going up the door with us. I thought for sure she was going to have nightmares that night and wake up screaming or crying. Thankfully that did not happen!
~Momma to Bug~Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Halloween's Past: Day Three
2007 (2 years old)
"The Little Mermaid" This was the first year that Arielle picked out her own Halloween costume and who else would she pick but her favorite princess that shares the same name as her? Arielle really enjoyed every aspect of Halloween last year because she was old enough to understand what was going on. I remember so much about this year and will probably tell these stories over and over for years to come.
First, we took Arielle to a trick-or-treating event at a local event center and she had completely forgotten that people were going to hand out candy to her. The first few booths we visited the people reached out to put candy in Arielle's bag but she kept pulling it away and putting her hand out. I kept telling her to give them her bag so they could drop the candy in it but she wasn't doing it. I figured out that she thought they were going to put their hands in it to take candy OUT, not put it IN!!!
Then on the actual night of Halloween while we were trick-or-treating around the neighborhood IT happened. Somebody answered the door in a {very exquisite} WiZaRd costume. This was not a scary costume by any means but through the eyes of a two year old that was not expecting to see anything other than a regular person opening the door it freightened her. For the entire rest of the night before she walked up to a house to ring the doorbell she would tell ask, "There's not going to be a scary person at this house, right?" I'm not kidding, every house she said this and every time we had to convince her that it would not happen again, knowing full well that it could happen again. And it would have happened again if my maternal instincts had not kicked in. As we rang the doorbell of a very dark house I heard some rustling behind the door and could see scary decorations inside the hall so I knew immediately something BAD was going to happen. I stepped in front of Arielle and just as I made sure she couldn't see what was in front of her a person opened the door wearing a WereWolf mask. Of course I asked them to remove it before Arielle could know what was going on and they did so the crisis was averted! Phew.
~Momma to Bug~
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Halloween's Past: Day Two
"Pink Fairy Princess" Mostly what I remember about this Halloween was Arielle's new found obsession with CaNdY!!! Like any other child she was hooked from the moment she received her first piece and could not get enough of it. Of course we limited her intake but even at such a young age Arielle tried very hard to get as much as she possibly could get. Trick or treating this year was very, very COLD so we didn't stay out very long but it was long enough for Arielle's liking. The other thing I remember is that it was so hard to take pictures of her at this age. I couldn't get a good shot of her if my life depended on it. {You should see the professional Christmas pictures from this year..they are virtually non-existant but the ones we do have are horrible. She kept moving all around and she did was cried and cried for me to come sit with her and I was not dressed for it.}
Monday, October 27, 2008
Halloween's Past: Day One
Friday, October 24, 2008
Casey Key Beach Views
Enjoy the beach views!